Special conditions - COVID-19

CMCM has taken the following decision: all existing members currently in the waiting period (as well as all potential new members) will be waived the waiting period if hospitalised based on a Covid-19 diagnose and will thus be entitled to the corresponding coverage of the subscribed guarantee.

Who can become a member?

Anyone can be a member of the CMCM who meets one of the following requirements:

  • You are a member of a health mutual recognised by the state and affiliated with the National Federation of the Luxembourg Mutual Societies,

  • You make an annual contribution of €18 (per family) to the Luxembourg Mutual Fund,

As well as one of the conditions below:

  • You are insured, either voluntarily or as obliged by law, by a Luxembourg health insurance provider or by the joint sickness insurance scheme of the European Institutions or similar, and are living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or one of its bordering countries (Germany, Belgium or France);

  • You are insured, either voluntarily or as obliged by law, by a legally recognised health insurance provider in a bordering country and are living in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or in one of the bordering regions;

  • “Bordering regions” consist of: Belgium: Provinces of Liège and Luxembourg; France: Departments of Meurthe-et-Moselle and Moselle; Germany: Regions of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.

Important: it is still possible to continue membership even if you leave the country.

Who is considered a comember?

  • The spouse or partner according to the 9 July 2004 law regarding the legal effects of certain partnerships;

  • The parent and family members, both direct and collateral, up to the third degree, who for lack of spouse or partner are dependent on the primary member’s household to the extent that he/she benefits from the co-insurance of the member’s employer or that of his or her spouse or partner’s employer, through a health insurance provider;

  • Legitimate, natural and adopted children to the extent that they benefit from the co-insurance of their mother or father’s employer through a health insurance provider;

  • Children taken into the member’s household on a long-term basis and for whom the member guarantees education and complete care, to the extent that they benefit from the co-insurance of the member’s employer or that of his or her spouse or partner’s employer, through a health insurance provider.

Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the membership of the comember is maintained until the age of 19, even if the comember is insured by law through a health insurance provider.

Comembers are also subject to the provisions listed in paragraph 1 b) of article 3 of the statutes.

In the respective cases of divorce or termination of partnership, the spouse or partner can join without the waiting period within twelve months after the pronunciation of the divorce or the end of the partnership, upon presentation of an extract of the marriage certificate with marginal note of divorce or certificate certifying that the partnership has been properly dissolved.

The comember who joins to the CMCM as a primary member within a period of 12 months, as defined in article 9.4. of the statues, is exempt from payment of dues for the year in which he/she loses the status of comember.

When does your membership begin?

Membership begins the first day of the month following the entrance of the CMCM membership request and is subject to membership with a health mutual within 3 months. This can only take effect once membership dues have been paid.

When do you have the right to benefits?

There is a 3-months waiting period for new members for the RÉGIME COMMUN as well as for the PRESTAPLUS and DENTA & OPTIPLUS guarantees.

The comember who joins the CMCM as a primary member within 12 months of reaching the age limit, a change in civil status or the expiration of their comembership status is exempt from both the waiting period and the payment of membership dues for the year in which the comembership status was lost, and also for the following year.

There is no waiting period required for the CMCM-Assistance contract benefits.

For resigning, delisted or excluded members, a potential re-admission by the board shall result in the application of a new waiting period extended to:

  • 12 months for members of the RÉGIME COMMUN and the PRESTAPLUS guarantee.

  • 36 months for members of the DENTA & OPTIPLUS guarantees.